Top Talent Recruitment, Development and Management Services
It is common knowledge that the employees are the most important assets that you have as a business. They are the face of your company in the eyes of the clients and are the ones that produce the goods and services that you sell to your customers.
It is important that you ensure that you have highly skilled staff that are also highly motivated and equipped to do their work efficiently. To ensure this is accomplished, you need to hire top talent and improve the skills of the employees through talent development.
How our talent development services can help your organization
We assist in the recruitment process
We assist you in the recruitment process, through identifying the best areas to advertise your job openings, selection and the interview process and the appointment of the best talent for your need.
We have a team of dedicated professional human resource personnel that not only look at the papers but also the cultural and psychological fit to your organizational culture. We do a thorough evaluation of the recruited individuals to reduce the chances them leaving the position during probation or after a short while after being employed. We use a highly effective Psychometric Personality Testing (now also available ONLINE).
We help you develop top talent
The success of your business depends on the employees that are very competent in their jobs and that have the creative power to offer solutions as per the needs that the company encounters.
We aid in identifying and developing talent in a number of ways:
We help identify the needs of the company
We visit your business and get to know what you do and how it is done. We carry out a skills/needs assessment based on your current and future needs and assess the overall performance /standards required for new talent as well as succession planning.
We assess talent among the existing employees
Having identified the areas that require being filled, we carry out an assessment on the potential employees that can take up the responsibility and succeed into leadership roles in the future. The high potential employees are identified with among other things, using a well-developed online methodology to assess up to 152 key competencies including performance of the job responsibilities, understanding of the tasks that are put under their responsibility, good interpersonal skills, leadership potential and cultural fit to the roles.
We work with the top management to ensure that we accurately identify all the top talent within the organization and areas where they are best fit in terms of succession and promotion.
We help identify areas that require training
We evaluate every individual to determine areas that require further training and enhancement of skills, creating development plans. We work through a coaching process with the employees to discuss their interests and goals to position each individual on the best track, aligned to company objectives.
The training is done individually and as a group depending on the needs of each employee. Job coaching on a 1-1 basis may also form part of the overall program.
We assist in the measurement of performance
We assist in putting both qualitative and quantitative metrics to help employees set their goals, through the development of Best Practice Performance Management, with a focus on practical application within the workplace. When the performance metrics are achieved, we encourage “stretch goal setting” so that the employee can continue accomplishing more. We encourage the employees to give us feedback on areas where adjustments and corrections should be made. We build coaching and feedback skills in management in order to develop performance review and feedback systems to deliver meaningful results. We encourage them to have “conversations relating to performance” with their employees.
“While working with the management, we also identify other areas where particular employees can work out of their area to encourage cross training and development opportunities.”
It is our firm belief that employee development and training not only ensures efficiency and increases engagement, it also lowers employee turnover and is more likely to make the company goals reachable. Talent development also brings about career development and helps the employees to achieve their own goals; encouraging innovation and critical thinking.
Rather than keep on hiring new members to fill the organizational needs, try developing the existing talent. It is always a win-win situation for both the company and the employee...and the most effective one!